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CR Elements' Terms Explained
CR Elements' Terms Explained
Written by Alyssa
Updated over 3 years ago

The following terms can be found in the new ABA Curriculum.

Measurement Types

  • Per Opportunity (Percent Correct)

  • Task Analysis

  • Frequency

  • Duration

  • Interval

Criterion for Mastery: Three consecutive sessions for 100%. Editable for clinicians.

Definition: Contains a single sentence summary of what the program entails. The reference number pertains to the particular variables of this specific step within the scope and sequence of the entire program.

Procedure: A numbered list to follow the program, containing examples of each step.

  • Tips: 5-10 tips based on the program for each procedure. Includes suggestions for clinicians.

  • Goals: Clinicians can document and use for insurance and IEP reports for big picture objectives.

Prompt: Errorless teaching vs. individual prompting levels.

Targets: Varies for each selected program. Individual for a particular step.

Discriminative Stimulus: CR Elements is using this field to notate the materials required to run the programs as cues, for the learner should often vary as the learner becomes more flexible. If it is more important to have a fixed cue in this field rather than required materials, this field is editable.

Reinforcement Schedule

  • Fixed Ratio (FR)

  • Variable Ratio (VR)

  • Fixed Interval (FI)

  • Variable Interval (VI)

  • Continuous

Reinforcement Interval

  • Ratio


  • Short-Term Objective: With respect to curriculum. Clinicians can progress monitor other benchmark steps in the overall program to assess increases in baseline.

  • Long-Term Objective: With respect to curriculum. Clinicians can progress monitor the mastery level step to evaluate an increase in baseline on the terminal level of the program.

    • Example: The mastery level is step 7 for a particular skill.

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